Friday, July 1, 2011

So much more: Lily Hokanson

I know a lot of people have been anxiously waiting to hear news of this little one. She’s finally here! Lily Hokanson was born at 8:27 pm on June 30th. She weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. Both she and mom are doing fantastic. The doctor checked her out this morning and said, "She sucks better than a Hoover vacuum.” That’s a good sign if you ask me.
Lily burrito
Because Lily decided to stay comfy instead of coming on her due date (June 21st) we decided with the doctor to have Serena induced. We came in to the hospital about 8:00 am. Serena was started on Pitocin at about 9:30. The doctor broke her water between 12:15 and 12:30 pm. After that it took a while for things to get started. At about 3:15 or so Serena got an epidural. Lily was quite the stinker and she dodged all the monitors. The nurse and doctor finally put internal monitors on to make sure she was doing okay. Before shift change at 6 pm our nurse checked Serena and she was only dilated to 4.5 cm or so. When the next nurse came to check her about 45 minutes later she announced Serena was complete and she’d go notified the doctor. That surprised us a lot but I was happy because I really wanted a June baby. Serena started pushing about 7:10ish pm. She was a star pusher even though she couldn’t really feel anything. Lily came out very lively. I got to cut the cord and watch as the nurse cleaned and weighed her. Mom and baby had some quiet time together before I took Lily down to the nursery. Both mom and baby are doing very well. We’re so excited that Lily is here to teach us and to bless our lives. We’re so grateful for all of the wonderful medical staff and all of the support from family and friends.
Aren't they beautiful?
Lily is such a beautiful baby. She has gorgeous long eyelashes (thanks to yours truly), elegant fingernails and lots of silky soft strawberry blond hair. We decided she waited so long to come so she would be beautiful when she got here. Serena and I are so in love with our little child already. We’re so happy!
Lily and me
Poop face?


  1. Oh, I'm in love too :) Are you accepting visitors or are there just too many people who want to see the new little one?

  2. Lilly is one beautiful little lady. I can't wait to meet her! Hope we can see each other when we all come down in August. Also, if you want to follow our blog (and see what is going on in our lives) you can go to

    Big congratulations!

  3. Laura: We are accepting visitors and we'd love to see you. We'll be having visitors mostly in the morning tomorrow. Just text Serena when you're close and we'll give you the code.

    Kelly: We'd love to have you guys come visit in August! We've missed seeing all three of you around Provo. Thanks for the heads up on your blog!

  4. Congrats buddy! It's kinda funny that our due date for our third little one was almost the same as yours (June 20th), except she came on the 12th. Hearing myself say third is funny/alarming also. Anyways, she is beautiful, congratulations!
