Tuesday, July 6, 2010

More: Cystectomy

For those who have the stomach I thought I might share a little of myself. Inside and out. This post is to share my first surgical experience during which I wasn’t asleep. I have a had a cyst growing on my upper right cheek that I felt might be good to get rid of. I think it was making one of my eyes all squinty in pictures. I couldn’t take it anymore so under the knife I went. I was going to put a video of the first of the twins coming out – there were two cysts next to each other – but it would have to go on YouTube to do that so never mind. However, there is a picture of the surgery tray after all was said and done. Lastly, me! This is the bandage for the first day. I need to keep it on for one day then I can use normal Band-Aids. Underneath there are a total of 7 stitches. The nurse said the doctor is OCD about his stitches which I found strangely comforting. The pictures:
Can't see much but they're there.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! This reminds me of having a mole removed from my back a few years ago...I didn't take any pictures though. How much scarring are you anticipating? Cause my mole left a pretty big, ugly one on my back.
