Sunday, May 23, 2010

What This Is All About

I’ve been thinking about blogging for a long time. I guess what’s taken me so long to start is that I’ve been trying to decide what it is that I want to write about, what it is that I have to offer. I’ve started posts and written down ideas down ideas but none of it seemed to really fit. I finally realized that I’m not writing this blog for attention and especially not fame. I want to blog so people I care about can have a way of seeing what’s going on in my life. I’m not super good about calling people on their birthday or sending out a family newsletter each year. My family can attest to that. So this is my attempt to make myself more accessible to those that I don’t frequently talk to, family and friends.
So here I am, naming my blog Books and Bikes because I like to read and I like riding my bike. I enjoy those things so I’ll write about my experience with them. I promise you this: I won’t stick to just books and bikes. I’m gonna write whatever I feel like writing. If you get bored, let me know. If I say something that makes you angry or sad, let me know. If I don’t write enough, let me know. If you don’t really care, I don’t mind. I feel this urge to create and to express myself.
One more thing. One of the reasons for starting now is the hope that it will help me to be consistent in riding over the summer and help me meet my goal of losing 20 lbs. I know, I know, everyone is trying to lose weight and whatever. I told my wife that I’m going to take pictures along my rides and post them along with an update on how the weight goal is going and how much fun I’m having. I might post more frequently to talk about, I don’t know, books. We’ll see. However, that’s only for the summer so don’t worry. After that you’ll probably get a lot about school and nursing and whatnot. Whatever happens, you’ll be able to learn a little bit about me and what’s going on in my life. Enjoy!!


  1. I'm just happy you used the word "whatnot" in your first blog. You're a natural :) I'm excited to have more access to your world.

  2. Yay for blogs! Now we can all be blog buddies and we never have to see each other again... Nah! I don't like that idea. But, it is good to read about everyone, especially when we are all so busy with everything. That being said, we need to get together sometime. At least once this summer. Keep it up Lex!
